How to Obtain Divorce and/or Child Custody Law Paralegal or Mediator Services from ChristieLegal

How To Obtain Divorce and/or Child Custody Paralegal and Mediator Services from ChristieLegal

  1. Please contact ChristieLegal and tell her that you OR you and your spouse or your child’s other parent would like a FREE 30 minutes initial consultation and what service(s) you and the other party are interested in. Here’s how to reach Christie to schedule the initial consultation: a) please email her at or call or text (651)775-7899 or b) please schedule the initial consultation using ChristieLegal’s calendaring tool, 
  2. During the initial consultation, please ask ChristieLegal questions about the legal process for meeting your needs and provide ChristieLegal with information about your situation.
  3. Provide ChristieLegal with a signed agreement document, down payment of $1,000 to $2,000, and case type specific questionnaire completed to the best of your abilities.


Thank you for contacting ChristieLegal! I hope to be able to work for you and the other party!